When most people talk about THC edibles, they mean edible marijuana products. Edibles are just one option when it comes to marijuana products, but today we are focusing specifically on this corner of the medical marijuana industry.
THC Edibles – A Brief Introduction to Edible Medical Marijuana
Medical marijuana has been available in Florida since late 2016, however, it was not legalized in smokable or edible forms. It was not until March, 2019 that smoking medical cannabis was legalized and while edibles are still not legal in Florida, the rules for THC infused edible medical cannabis products were released in March, 2020. These rules are outlined in 5k-11.001. It has taken a considerable amount of time to get to this milestone in the approval of THC edible products, but with continued support, it shouldn’t be too much longer before edible cannabis products are legally available.
Florida Regulations For Edible THC Products
Wondering what the outlined regulations for edible products are? Here’s a quick rundown…
The Leading Department Named
The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) (which is responsible for products destined to be part of the food “chain”) is named as the leading department when it comes to edible THC infused products for medical marijuana patients.
Edible THC Infused Products Defined
The rules also clearly define edible THC infused products as: “commercially produced food items made with Marijuana Oil, but no other form of marijuana, that are produced and dispensed by a Medical Marijuana Treatment Center.”
In this context, the term “marijuana oil” is also defined and separated into two categories:
“Marijuana Oil means oil derived from Low-THC Cannabis as defined in s. 381.986(1)(e), F.S(Medicinal cannabis, containing higher levels of THC)., or Marijuana as defined in s. 381.986(1)(f), F.S(low-THC cannabis, or CBD oil).
The latter of the two is not the same as the CBD oil derived from hemp. This was already removed from Schedule 1 classification and deemed legal for interstate commerce and other use. CBD, in this case, refers to CBD derived from Broad spectrum Cannabis, and only available from products produced by MMTC’s (Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers)
The Production of Medical Cannabis
The rules also outlined the permits and fees associated to edible THC infused products and states that:
“MMTCs producing or manufacturing Edibles are required to be permitted as food establishments and are subject to the requirements of ch. 500, F.S (The Florida Food Safety Act)., and this rule chapter”.
Essentially, since edibles are considered food products, their production is regulated by ch. 500, F.S.
Permits For Edible THC Infused Products
When it comes to permits for edible THC infused products, any MMTC intending on the sale of or production of these products must review and revise its business plan to include applying for a Food Permit and make any necessary changes to their production facility, “for the purpose of evaluating whether proposed construction or remodelling plans conform to current requirements”.\
Once this has been done, the MMTC must apply for a food permit. A food permit costs $650 for the year if purchased in the first six months of the year or $325 if purchased in the second half of the year. It’s also important to know that while this license is valid for a year at a time, it cannot be transferred and if the business moves to a new physical location, the license does not transfer over. A new business space requires a new business license purchase even if the previous license is still valid. It’s also worth noting that if a MMTC has multiple locations, each location must have an independent license for that location. A single business cannot have multiple locations covered by a single license.
License Application
The license application for edible THC must include all necessary information including:
- A description of the facility
- An inspection of the facility
- A list of products that will be produced in the facility
If there are any changes to products that will be produced in the facility, those changes must be reported and approved BEFORE the item goes into production.
It is also stated that:
“The permit or permit number shall not be used on any label or in any advertisement of Edibles. Permits shall be conspicuously displayed at the locations for which they were issued”
Do You Have Questions About THC Edibles?
Do you have a question about THC edibles or about medical marijuana in general, the Medical Marijuana Doctor can help! Just quickly set up an appointment with the doctor for your medical marijuana appointment online today!